Xenos is a Cult.
Ask yourself why Xenos has hundreds of complaints per year of manipulation since the early 1970s. I wasn’t burned, just stunned by what I learned.
— Ex-Xenos Member, 7 Years

Disclaimer: This section was taken from a forum thread with 1,460 replies around the topic of "Xenos is a Cult" This user claims they were an inside member, having spent 7 years at Xenos, lived in ministry house for 3 years, Home Group Leader for 3 years. Half-dozen friends that were elders at one time at Xenos from 1980- current. These are their thoughts, ideas, and words. 

The first time I ever heard the how to address the cult accusation was at a larger leaders meeting taking place at bldg4 in a warehouse off of Sinclair rd in the early 1980s. Martha Mccallum was leading the meeting and she encouraged us to:

  1.  ask for the details of who was being manipulated and how (they won't know the details unless they attended the home group leaders meeting which were always held behind closed doors)
  2.  Claim that you were unaware of any such behavior (this was known by a few of us as the Big Lie because these claims were common and 6-8 per year per home group or 250-400 complaints per year across Xenos)
  3. On the rare occasion someone knows the details and knows you were aware of the behavior suggest that you needed to be involved due to sin in people's lives.(This was a red herring due to the fact that sin problems could have been handled by home group leaders without involving sphere leaders let alone sr pastors and more importantly most of the claims were of ungodly manipulation and gossip by leaders SINNING against members)
  4. When 1-3 fail,(lead people away from actual cause ...sr leadership) claim that the problem comes from young leaders in college ministry houses due to rapid growth. And repeat steps 1-3.
  5. Admit to abuses in the past but suggest an analogy ... as Christians mature in Christ so too can Christian ministries mature in Christ and abuses occurred when we were immature ( albeit 10-20 years old in Christ) Also in the 1980s Dennis and Gary were very clear that there had been abuses in the Fishhouse days. But their point was they knew how they had arisen and had fixed the problem. The fact that they have now come back and openly admitted to abuses in the 1980s seems like more of a methodology.

I remember one elder who claimed to have been gossiped about by Martha. When he confronted her she lashed out with all sorts of false accusations. I was stunned by the exchange. Moments later while I was talking to this elder and trying to calm him down. Dennis came up got in his face and threatened his life if he ever talked to his mother(Martha) again. Dennis was in his 30s at the time and had been leading Christian Ministry for over 12 yrs by then. These sorts of temper tantrums were common place back then and demonstrated the hireling aspect of spiritual leadership that remains at Xenos.

In the 1980s the leaders were held in high-regard by those who didnt know them and low-regard by those who knew them well and had matured in Christ outside of Fishhouse (Xenos). When I would raise any character feedback to any of my other leaders one-on-one I would be met with extreme derision "You are legalistic" was the common reply. Whether it be addiction to porn, addiction to alcohol, filthy coarse descriptions of the women in the homegroup, or gossip and slander, "You are being legalistic," was the refrain. Dennis on down through the elders and homegroup leaders would all say this like some mantra. 

Xenos leaders didn't seem to recognizing the difference between salvation and sanctification. Sanctification was about attendance in meetings, conformity and growth of homegroup numbers at Xenos. I was openly mocked by Dennis for stating that I wanted to work my unwholesome speech and coarse jesting called out in Ephesians 4:29, 5:4! When I turned off a soft core porn movie that had been playing at a Xenos recruting party for non-believers an elder threatened me if I didn't turn it back on immediately. When I refused he took a swing at me and we had to be pulled apart. To be fare to him he had had 6 beers by then and was a mean drunk, so it wasn't surprising to me that he attacked me.

I encourage posters to look for the 5-step approach above when looking at posts defending Xenos manipulation of members. Also remember that I have recently had two friends leave Xenos in the last 3 months both due to manipulation. Also remember if you aren't a Xenos leader you will be unaware of these tactics.

Another Reply from the same member:

"It was common to find out that Dennis knew who I was dating before some of my roommates knew! How scary is that? Each leader was encouraged to keep a dossier on those under his or her leadership. Once I got to know Dennis he was constantly fishing for gossip. His mom and brother's operated the same way. It was beyond weird and immature. Especially for a pastor who had been a pastor for over 12 years at the time.

One of things Xenos members can do is ask their home group leader what info they share to sphere leaders and Dennis about you? Watch them squirm. My most recent friend left after 31 years due to rampant gossip that was unfounded and went on for years after leadership determined it was unfounded. It is one big romper-room over there."

Another Ex-Xenos Member:

Not sure what's going on with the side track, so I'll just throw in another curious thing I remember...

Xenos itself did a study (in the 80's or 90's?) to investigate why they had such a bad rep / reputation as a cult. They were asking random people what they had heard about Xenos and compiling stats (you know how they have that database full of stats on everything. I was always slightly creeped at this seeming attempt to control and measure). 

I remember looking over an old comb bound report they published with their data and conclusions.(Do any old leaders remembers seeing or reading this?! I think the copy I saw was blue.) And I don't remember the conclusions drawn being much more insightful than "haters gonna hate"

It just struck me as so entirely obtuse, that the memory of that study/report really stuck with me. And so representative of the Xenos approach.(Like they don't know why this reputation prevails). "Out of 100 people on the street, how many think Xenos is a cult? What action, if any, should we take? Database says... inconclusive. As you were."

Disclaimer: This was an submission by an ex-member, and their words, thoughts and ideas about Xenos:

Hopefully something here is new / helpful. God used the church powerfully in my own life, but the issues I either personally witnessed or uncovered with some studying are too great to justify staying silent about them. 

1. Spiritual abuse books happened to be making the rounds through the church during the exact same time that there was "open division" in the church which eventually led to 1,000+ members leaving the church during 1992-1994

I am not aware of the true reasons for the split in the 1990's, but it seems likely that it would have occurred at least partially due to ongoing abuse problems in the church that were finally being called out. I attached several pictures from the topix thread that speak on this possibility.

At a servant team meeting maybe a year or two ago that I attended (servant team is a group of 700 or so established, long-term church workers who have been invited to attend), I remember hearing 1992-1994 referred to as a "time for pruning in the church", but a careful reading of Xenos' annual reports and a couple essays written around the time reveal that the spiritual abuse problem was around then just as it is now, and that those 1,000+ defectors perhaps didn't leave because they decided they didn't want to follow the Lord anymore, but instead because they recognized the abuse for what it was. And, they were probably helped in their decision to leave by the following books, both of which had response papers written by Xenos elders:

Toxic Faith 

I have not read this book, but I certainly relate to all of the quotes from it in the Xenos response. The "vague or general features in the morphology of religious addiction" section should be enough for a discerning (i.e. "woke" to the church culture?) reader to realize that there are deeply concerning issues with the response. Please note how the response is uncompromising, and note how similar it is to the process in the picture I attached about how to systematically respond to the Xenos cult accusation (topix4). 

The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse

I've personally read the book above and found that it spoke directly to my growing concerns about the culture of the church, especially the college group. I'd highly recommend it, assuming that it is read as a tool to understand what is happening. Here's a link to the Xenos response paper. As noted in the intro, this book was floating around during 1993 and was apparently well-known in the church at the time. 

Below I'll make note of a few papers from the Xenos website that are suspicious.

Xenos 1994 Annual Report actively rejects the notion of Xenos being a "healing church"

See the final page, Summary & Vision section. I am concerned that this document displays Xenos leadership not only taking claims of abuse lightly, but lowering the status of those who would be bold enough to speak out. Instead of openly admitting fault for protecting a culture that provoked abusive situations, the author writes statements such as "we are not here to please either our own members or those outside the church" ... "we have never viewed our group as a nice place to hang out and raise a family" (duh, nor did I or the numerous others who worked inconceivably hard but have left and are speaking out) ... "we have consciously turned away from [a healing church as the] definition of a church" ... "God has brought you here so that you may take one of the oars and begin to pull" (is the reader supposed to ignore the ongoing deprivation of their own emotional and spiritual health while pulling? I know that I did and paid for it desperately)

- Also, it is worth reading A Vision of Christian Servanthood in which the vision for the servant team is given

Notice how the vision of the church is entirely focused on working harder (and not necessarily in the way that scripture defines work, but instead as Xenos defines work), during a time when abuse concerns are rising, as the church leadership consciously turns away from defining itself as a healing place. This all seems like a recipe for continual disaster. A quick CTRL+F on the document above yields 38 different instances of the word "work", and literally ZERO for "grace", "rest", "joy", and "love". Imagine the danger of a church taking this kind of direction in ~1993, given how much of the "work" we were doing in Xenos was dubious at best, and manipulating and damaging at worst! No surprise that people continue to leave in a state of profound hurt and anger at the Lord. 

2. Other documents

-  Gossip vs. Conferral

Check pages 5 and 6 for a thorough analysis on how, when, and why to share other people's personal matters regardless of whether or not they were told to you on confidence, along with a scriptural arguments for how "discussing others' sins may be necessary for the healthy working of the local church". I find myself disagreeing with a lot of these points now! These kinds of papers are given to college kids in LTC courses, 80% of which were previously unchurched and have no other notion of what good fellowship should be! Young people, who often are just learning about grace and their own capacity for spiritual work, are encouraged to be leaders... told that it is okay for leaders to "confer" with one another as defined in such papers... and effectively given free reign to make gigantic interpersonal mistakes that cause innocent people incredible grief. 

Propositions on Christ, Career, and Culture

I'm super pissed about this one. I remember sitting in LTC listening to a church elder read it point by point, and being too young to understand that I was being subtly led to think that Xenos is the only place for a self-respecting Christian to follow the Lord. From this paper, I developed not only a sense of personal anxiety but also a sense of mistrust for my own parents and their decisions about money and career. Point #26 is especially unbelievable. In #26 the author mindreads highschoolers and assumes that spiritual ones will want to go to Xenos, and tries to qualify the blatant shiestyness of such a claim with weak qualifiers like the phrase "in some cases". And then, follows it up by declaring that any kid who leaves is following two defined patterns! If a teenager isn't able to compose an enlightening and robust plan for ministry at a distant college, but wants to leave Columbus, they are labeled as "never having served God in the first place" and then mocked about their research credibility. 

This paper is lowkey sickening, but it is aligned with even worse claims that are made to groups of impressionable and likely confused high schoolers every year during College Connection weekends. The thing that a 19 year old is going to retain subconsciously from this document is: that anyone who would consider leaving Xenos is "in some cases" unspiritual, not a servant, lazy, materialistic, a selfish parent, perhaps even a disgruntled ex-fratboy who misses getting ass and blazin' up in college, and so forth. Who is left to make the decision as to how to respond to the "case" that might arise with a person? Probably an inexperienced, young, misinformed discipler partially motivated by an inner desire to derive significance from making sure their personal ministry has a good social standing among the other church members and is likely to use such material as justification for spiritual abuse? ... (if you'll allow me to mindread and negatively attribute in the way that the paper does)

Young students are often not emotionally or spiritually prepared to make a decision for themselves regarding whether or not an organization making these kinds of claims is being honest with them. Especially given that they are probably unaware about how quickly a decision against the church might lose them the social and spiritual structure they have been living under for their formative years. This is wrong. Encouraging young people to sacrifice mightily to lead under this kind of culture is wrong, and I don't give a shit about how old Timothy was in the New Testament. I also don't give a shit about how you decide to apply the one-another passages. Writing this kind of document and protecting the behavior it develops in the young people in the church is wrong.

Point #31 attempts to step things back a little bit, but the lay leaders we were working to raise up were people who have been absorbing the culture of points #1-30 for years and have no other experience with Christianity or the church at large. Again ... recipe for continual disaster.

- LTC 3 lay counseling document

Wish I had this one, but I deleted my LTC material recently in an effort to distance myself from it all. This document contained statements about the importance of pastoral or professional counseling being more of a last resort, and that lay counseling should be tried first. This was also read out loud to students during an LTC 3 course. What is unfortunate here is that the paper was addressed to Xenos kids instead of psychologists. This kind of paper is what led me, as a 21 year old trying to start a career and lead a ministry house, to not recognize or question the great danger of living with roommates struggling with suicidal depression, spectrum disorder, sleep disorders, dyslexia, and a number of others that we as a leadership team were in no way qualified to handle. My roommates & I all desperately needed professional therapy, but are implicitly discouraged from seeking it out by the church culture.  

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